If you ignore Grand Junction and La Junta, most of Colorado normally experiences the first frost of fall sometime in late September or October. And yet, it’s October 27 and there hasn’t been a fall frost. Weird. Colorado is definitely unpredictable. So what does this extended fall mean to our landscape plants? Here’s a short […]
Archive | Weather Events
Don’t Get Behind on Watering
It finally happened. The Seattle weather became Arizona weather practically overnight. Yesterday I noticed my lawn developing brown patches and my grape vines leaves were drooping. You gotta love Colorado. My key message for today is to be proactive in watering your landscape during the weather transition. With such bountiful rainfall this summer, it can take […]
Yard Care Tasks for June
Looks like it’s time to get out in the yard again! After an exceptionally cool and rainy May, it seems like the weather is going to turn nicer as we head into June. Here’s what I’d recommend for this month: Make sure you mow regularly for the next few weeks. There’s often a 3-4 week […]
Hail No!
My house got pummeled by hail not once, but twice, within the past two days. Sheesh. Talk about incredible to watch and disheartening to deal with. If the same thing happened to you, you might be interested in the post I wrote last year about dealing with hail damage in the landscape. It might be […]
Hooray for the Big Meltdown
I keep hearing the statement, “I’m so over the snow. I can’t wait for spring.” As uncomfortable it can be for us humans, our landscapes are drinking their fill just when damaging dehydration often sets in. February and March are such critical months to ensure the soil is moist for our plants. As the snow […]
Getting Ready for the Big Snow
With the big snowstorm on the horizon this weekend, you may be wondering how to best protect your landscape. My answer basic answer is 1) be proactive about a few things, 2) don’t worry too much about most plants and 3) be thankful for the moisture. There are two big factors with spring snowstorms: snow […]
Got Rain? Turn Off Your Sprinklers
If you were lucky enough to get more than a light rain tonight, take advantage of it. The best way is to stop your irrigation system from watering for a few days. If you don’t have a rain sensor on your sprinkler system, turn the dial to “off” for several days. This will prevent your […]
Dealing with Hail Damage in the Landscape
If your landscape plants were damaged by the hail yesterday, first of all, I am so sorry. I know how disheartening it is to watch your plants be destroyed in minutes when it took months– and sometimes years– to nurture them along. I remember one summer when hail hit my garden six times. I almost […]