There's so much more to a great yard than just mowing the lawn.

Archive | Watering

Deer damage on shrub

Yard Care Tasks for October

October is here! It’s a great time to take care of a few tasks in your yard so your yard will be in great shape come spring. Here are my suggestions. Continue to water It’s important for your plants to go into dormancy well-hydrated. This gives them a better chance to survive Colorado’s dry winters […]

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Boulder County Late Summer

Yard Care Tasks for September

Now that the kids are back in school, it’s a great time to take care of a few yard care tasks. Here are my recommendations for the month of September: Core Aerate Your Lawn if Necessary With three kids, my lawn withstands a ton of traffic over the summer. By late summer, the upper soil […]

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wilting peony

Don’t Get Behind on Watering

It finally happened. The Seattle weather became Arizona weather practically overnight. Yesterday I noticed my lawn developing brown patches and my grape vines leaves were drooping. You gotta love Colorado. My key message for today is to be proactive in watering your landscape during the weather transition. With such bountiful rainfall this summer, it can take […]

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Annual Flower Pot 48 Hours Later

Here’s Why a Flower Pot Needs Holes

On Friday, I was visiting a beautiful property in Black Forest when I glimpsed a pot of annual flowers. At first glance, I noticed that the flowers didn’t look so great. They weren’t terrible, but they were definitely not thriving. What could be wrong? When I looked closer, the plants looked like they were really struggling. […]

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Annual Flower Pot

How to Care for Annual Flower Pots

They’re so seductively beautiful, just hanging out in the garden center waiting for someone to take them home. Their impressive color combinations and gorgeous flowers cause thousands of shoppers to grab them purely on impulse and buy them before they even think the purchase through. But how do you keep that container of annual flowers […]

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Lilac and basket of gold

Yard Care Tasks for May

May is one of the most enjoyable months in Colorado. The weather is finally warm, the trees have leafed out and plants have started growing. It’s a great time of year to give some TLC to your yard. Here’s what I recommend. Plant Something May is a great month to plant in much of Colorado. […]

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Yard Care Tasks for April

Now that spring has definitely arrived, what should you be doing to take care of your yard? Here is my advice. Water regularly Beginning to water your landscape regularly should be your top priority. New leaves are starting to grow on many plants, which is a loud signal that your plants need regular moisture. Since […]

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Do and Don’t This Warm Valentine’s Weekend

Wow it’s warm for February! My daughter asked me why we didn’t own a convertible car. I answered, “Because we live in Colorado. It could be freezing next week.” In fact, it looks like President’s Day will be snowy. Talk about erratic weather! With the unusually warm conditions, it can be confusing to know what […]

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