Looks like it’s time to get out in the yard again! After an exceptionally cool and rainy May, it seems like the weather is going to turn nicer as we head into June. Here’s what I’d recommend for this month: Make sure you mow regularly for the next few weeks. There’s often a 3-4 week […]
Author Archive | Catherine
Hail No!
My house got pummeled by hail not once, but twice, within the past two days. Sheesh. Talk about incredible to watch and disheartening to deal with. If the same thing happened to you, you might be interested in the post I wrote last year about dealing with hail damage in the landscape. It might be […]
Yard Care Tasks for May
May is one of the most enjoyable months in Colorado. The weather is finally warm, the trees have leafed out and plants have started growing. It’s a great time of year to give some TLC to your yard. Here’s what I recommend. Plant Something May is a great month to plant in much of Colorado. […]
Choosing a Lawn Fertilizer
Now that May is right around the corner, it’s time to think about fertilizing your lawn. One of the biggest stumbling blocks is knowing which fertilizer to choose. It can be overwhelming when you’re standing in the garden center looking at all the bags. It’s tempting to choose the one with the nicest packaging. There’s […]
Video: The Easy Way to Plant Carrot Seeds
Planting carrots seeds can be frustrating. They’re tiny and brown. The size makes them difficult to handle while the color makes them hard to see. This can make it tough to get the right spacing between seedlings. Thanks to the genius of seed producers, there’s now an easy way to plant carrot seeds. Watch this […]
Yard Care Tasks for April
Now that spring has definitely arrived, what should you be doing to take care of your yard? Here is my advice. Water regularly Beginning to water your landscape regularly should be your top priority. New leaves are starting to grow on many plants, which is a loud signal that your plants need regular moisture. Since […]
Success with Spring-Flowering Bulbs in Colorado
Looking for more early spring color? Here’s another great bloomer. This is a giant crocus cultivar called ‘Flower Record’ (Crocus vernus ‘Flower Record). I love Flower Record’s deep purple color, which is quite eye-catching in spring. One of the great things the Dutch have given to the world is flower bulbs. They’ve taken naturally occuring […]
In Colorado, Should You Fertilize Your Lawn in March?
The short answer is maybe, maybe not. Out of all the recommended times to fertilize a lawn in Colorado, early spring is the one fertilization most lawns can do without. This is a little strange, considering that it’s the one time of year many of us think about fertilizing our lawns at all. Keep in […]
A Great Spring Bloomer- European Pasque Flower
At this time of year, any blooming plant is a welcome sight. One adorable, reliable plant that comes back year after year is the European pasqueflower (Pulsatilla vulgaris). It’s gorgeous fuzzy purple flowers and hardy nature make it a perfect addition to a Colorado landscape. If you’re searching beyond traditional daffodils and tulips for spring […]
Yard Care Tasks for March
Now that spring is here, it’s time to get busy. What do you need to do this month? 1. Finish spring cleanup, if you haven’t already. The time for getting ornamental grasses cut back is NOW. Don’t delay. Learn more about this here. 2. If you have areas of rock mulch or decorative rock and […]
Hooray for the Big Meltdown
I keep hearing the statement, “I’m so over the snow. I can’t wait for spring.” As uncomfortable it can be for us humans, our landscapes are drinking their fill just when damaging dehydration often sets in. February and March are such critical months to ensure the soil is moist for our plants. As the snow […]