There's so much more to a great yard than just mowing the lawn.

The Snowstorm and Your Yard

Now that spring is here (sort of), you may be wondering what you should do to care for your yard with the impending major snowstorm this weekend. Here are my top four tips for what to do and to leave for later.

  • Knock the snow off the branches of your trees and shrubs periodically. This is really important to prevent branch breakage. Spring Colorado snows tend to be wet and heavy. When it accumulates, branches can bend and break. Below is a video I made to show you how to protect your trees and shrubs.
  • Skip winter watering for the next few weeks. March is an important month to winter water your lawn and trees. If you get more than 6 inches of snow at your house, you can hold off until early April. As the snow melts, the water will soak into the soil and moisten the root zone. Getting free water from Mother Nature is a welcome gift! If you get less than 6 inches, you might want to winter water in the second half of March if the soil is dry.
  • Wait to fertilize and aerate your lawn. It’s tempting to knock out these two spring lawn care tasks before the snowstorm, but it’s too early. It’s best to fertilize and aerate when your lawn is actively growing, which usually starts in mid-April. You can tell it’s actively growing if you have to mow it. Most Front Range lawns are only green at the base right now. So, put off fertilizing and aerating until next month and enjoy your free time.
  • Tackle spring cleanup this month. March is a wonderful time to cut back ornamental grasses and perennials, prune shrubs, and give your yard a good raking. If you haven’t done these yet, don’t worry, you can do these after the storm. Just plan to getting these done over the next few weeks.

To get ready for the storm, stock up on hot cocoa and set your broom and gloves by the door. Keep an eye on your trees and shrubs, knock of the snow periodically and enjoy the down time. The warm weather of true spring and its many tasks will be here before you know it.

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