There's so much more to a great yard than just mowing the lawn.

Tag Archives | spring lawn care

Which lawn fertilizer should you choose?

Once your grass has turned and green and spring is here to stay, fertilizing will help your lawn take up needed nutrients. Smart fertilizing will help your lawn be green, thick, healthy, and drought-resistant this summer. If you have a lawn, you need to fertilize it. Keep in mind there’s more to it than just fertilizer. […]

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Spring core aeration Kentucky bluegrass lawn

Drought Tip #2- Great Time to Aerate

What is core aeration? Landscapers use core aeration machines to keep lawn and turfgrass areas thick and vigorous. As they run the machine over an area, the machine’s tines pull cores of grass and soil out of the lawn and deposit them on the soil surface. You can tell an area has been aerated when […]

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